Atlantis appoints China star

Atlantis Investment Management has announced the appointment of Ms Yang Liu to run the group''s business and investment strategy for the China region.

Liu, who will be based in Hong Kong, previously spent 14 years at China International Trust and Investment Corporation CITIC. Since 1993, she has been CIO of CMG CH China Investments, a joint venture between Colonial First State and CITIC.

Yang LiuSince its launch that same year, Atlantis says the fund has been the world's top performing managed closed end China fund, returning 184.42% over the past three years.

Commenting on the hire of its new managing director, group MD Peter Pearson says, Yang is the best fund manager in the China region.

Liu herself says, Atlantis already has a worldwide reputation for top performance in Asian markets and I'll be developing its china-investing...

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