Bursa Malaysia is still the leading sukuk listing destination

When it comes to sukuk, Bursa Malaysia has stood out for some time, but it is also making headway in building other Shar’iah-compliant products.

Last year, global sukuk issuance was just shy of $30 billion, and $8.6 billion of that was listed on Bursa Malaysia. In other words, the Malaysian exchange accounted for nearly one-third of global issuance.

And 2010 was a good year for the sukuk market, as the $30 billion raised globally was an increase of approximately 20% from the previous year and a two-fold increase from $15 billion in 2008.

Some of the notable listings in 2010 include Sime Darby’s M$4.5 billion $1.46 billion Musyarakah sukuk the government of Malaysia’s $1.25 billion global sukuk Al-Ijarah and the Islamic Development Bank’s $3.5 billion sukuk. The total value of the sukuk programme listed on Bursa...

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