Chang, Kotecha to co-head Barclays Asia equities

Vikesh Kotecha and John Chang will head the UK bank's Asia-Pacific equities business in a newly split role, replacing Nick Wright, who retired in March.

Barclays has appointed Vikesh Kotecha and John Chang to head its Asia-Pacific equities business in a newly split role amid a turbulent time for the UK bank and ahead of a wave of further staff changes.

They replace Nick Wright, who retired in March as the bank’s head of equities for Asia-Pacific, with their move effective last week, a Barclays spokesman told FinanceAsia on Tuesday.

Kotecha, 38, continues in his previous role as head of equities trading but now also co-leads the entire regional equities business. He oversees risk management and financial resource management in the region, based in Hong Kong, and reports to Conor Brown,...

¬ Haymarket Media Limited. All rights reserved.

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