
China is not decoupling from the US

Talk of China decoupling from the US is a fantasy. China is where the US bubble originates.
ItÆs a topsy-turvy world when banks lose billions of dollars in investments over the subprime crisis, and equity markets still rise. ItÆs a topsy-turvy world when the US economy threatens to sink into recession, and China keeps growing.

ôEquity can be a bit thick. It doesnÆt understand whatÆs going on in the credit space,ö is the way leading CLSA commentator Christopher Woods explained the paradox at the recent Hong Kong CLSA Forum.

It increasingly looks as if Woods is right, and heÆs not the only one to think that it is absurd to believe that one form of capital won't impact another form of capital. After all, they are both forms of money. And bad...
¬ Haymarket Media Limited. All rights reserved.

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