China rebalancing happening: Chovanec

Patrick Chovanec of Silvercrest Asset Management argues China’s rebalancing is happening despite recent market intervention.
Patrick Chovanec, Silvercrest Asset Management
Patrick Chovanec, Silvercrest Asset Management

Patrick Chovanec, chief strategist at Silvercrest Asset Management, a $19 billion firm based in New York, argues China’s rebalancing toward a consumer-led economy is happening regardless of what the authorities do. The relevant question for equity and bond investors is whether this happens in a constructive or destructive manner with the summer’s market intervention suggesting the latter.

Chovanec, a Twitterati with over 23,000 followers, is a regular commentator on Chinese and economic affairs. His full interview appears in the October print edition of FinanceAsia.

You’ve talked about the need for countries reliant upon exports, mainly China and Germany, to rebalance to create new demand...

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