
E-banking portals need upgrade to web 2.0

Important e-banking functions are often buried beneath dated web interfaces.

E-banking portals are a critical part of a corporate treasurer's toolkit. These comprehensive platforms often combine cash management, trade finance and securities services functions into a single engine empowering users to do more from their desktops.

Over the past decade, banks have continually acknowledged customer demands for web-based products by developing ever more capable e-banking portals. For example, Standard Chartered Bank launched its first electronic host-to-host connection with clients in 1998, added product-specific web portals in 2002, and created a single engine platform Straight2Bank in 2007.

Today, comprehensive and functional web platforms targeted at corporate treasurers have become ubiquitous in the banking market. Malaysia's Maybank has Maybank2e.net. Emirates NBD in the United Arab Emirates offers...

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