FA poll: Insider trading rampant in Asia

In our web poll last week, readers said that Asian markets are a haven for trading on inside information.
Raj Rajaratnam: He'd have been better off in Asia
Raj Rajaratnam: He'd have been better off in Asia

We asked our readers last week how Asia rates as a hub for insider trading. They scored the region highly, confidently asserting that the level of market manipulation puts Galleon hedge fund founder Raj Rajaratnam to shame.

Indeed, the Rajaratnam trial exposed insider trading of a number of Asian companies’ shares, including Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company and Singapore’s Flextronics. Certainly, insider trading scandals are common throughout the region.

At the end of February, regulators in Korea banned Deutsche Bank’s securities unit from trading derivatives on its own account for six months and fined it a record amount after a two-month investigation into charges of market manipulation and...

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