Hogan Lovells names Singapore, Dubai office management partners

Siew Kam Boon will take on the Singapore role, while Biswajit Chatterjee will take on the Dubai role from Rahail Ali, who will return to his practice full time.

Global law firm Hogan Lovells has announced that Siew Kam Boon will become office managing partner for the firm’s Singapore office, effective April 1, 2025.

Siew Kam Boon pictured left takes over the role from Biswajit Chatterjee, who has held the role since 2023. Chatterjee pictured right will move to the firm’s Dubai office as office managing partner.

Chatterjee will take over the role in Dubai from Rahail Ali, who will return to his practice full time. Ali has been with the firm since July 2021 and is both US and India qualified, with a focus on capital markets, MA and private equity transactions.


¬ Haymarket Media Limited. All rights reserved.

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