Indonesia's BUMA launches inaugural Sukuk, raises $250m debt facility from Bank of Asia

The up to $121m bond is supported by BCA Sekuritas, BNI Sekuritas, Sucor Sekuritas and BRI; the miner is also eyeing a "transformative" acquisition to help sustainability efforts.

Indonesian miner Bukit Makmur Mandiri Utama BUMA, a subsidiary of Delta Dunia Group, is offering its first Sukuk, called Sukuk Ijarah I BUMA 2025.

Sukuk Ijarah I BUMA 2025 will have a maximum amount of Rp2 trillion $120.7 million and is being offered in three series Series A with a duration of 370-day tenor, Series B with a three-year tenor, and Series C with a five-year tenor, starting from the issuance date.

Quarterly Ijarah fee payments will begin on June 20, 2025, with final bullet payments upon maturity in March 2026, 2028, and 2030. The bookbuilding period takes place from February 24 to March 7, 2025....

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