IWD: Why female sustainability investors can help drive returns in Apac

Studies have shown the positive correlation between having female investors or fund managers on team, and portfolio returns. Female finance leaders told FA that a diversity of experiences and skills are important in a fast-evolving sector.

Sustainable investing refers to investment strategies that take into account environmental, social and governance ESG factors when making investment decisions.

Since 2018, ESG-focussed strategies are increasingly adopted by institutional investors however, backlash concerns have emerged around investment risks and a macro landscape, especially with growing scepticism in the US, the world’s largest financial market.

A Citywire report in 2021 suggested that among the 16,353 active managers in their database, 1,932 were female, accounting for 11.8% of the total composition. 18% of the actively managed funds were run by women or a mixed team of women and men. The Times suggested that funds managed by only...

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