Kim Eng managers start Asian long/short fund

Managed fund opens to external investors as it evolves into a hedge fund.
A new Asian hedge fund is opening in May 2006. The Pinnakell Asia Absolute Fund will be managed from Singapore by Lee Sai-Sing and Lien Ber-Luen.

They have worked together for several years, initially at GIC in Singapore, with Lee working as a trader and Lien on the research side. They then joined Kim EngÆs investment division in 2001 and the following year set up Pinnakell Asset Management as a boutique investment vehicle wholly owned by Kim Eng, investing Kim Eng funds via a managed account.

Returns for the portfolio for those three years were 36% gross and 27% net. Those figures have been audited, and that quantitative track record may help to set them...
¬ Haymarket Media Limited. All rights reserved.

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