
Konyn still a bull on commodities

The CEO of research-driven equity investment house, RCM explains why he is still bullish on commodities, in spite of recent falls.
The commodity cycle is far from over according to RCM. Despite price falls in oil and other asset classes during recent weeks chief executive officer for Asia-Pacific Mark Konyn believes the asset class, and oil in particular, is likely to continue to be a profitable area of investment because of a stark supplydemand imbalance.

Despite oil dropping to its lowest level for six months in the middle of last week, Konyn believes this is far from the end of its super-cycle. At the same time a supply and demand imbalance is likely to continue, and RCM is not looking to invest in companies that are facilitating the rectification of the supply gap.

¬ Haymarket Media Limited. All rights reserved.

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