League Table Round Up November 19

JP Morgan strides up the equity capital markets table while November continues to be lacklustre for debt capital markets.

Equity Capital Markets

Following a late rush on Thursday night, issuance topped $1.3 billion from 12 offerings this week. The largest deal was a $400m GDR for Fubon Financial. Citigroup ran the books and the credit pushes it through the $3.5 billion barrier, although it still remains over $800 million behind fifth placed UBS.

More Taiwanese issuance came when Lehman Brothers priced a $280 million convertible bond for Quanta Display. The US house remains in 10th spot although is now less than $200 million behind CSFB in ninth.

JP Morgan was the biggest mover of the week surging into the top three from fifth following a $225 million accelerated convertible for...

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