Oaktree: “witch's brew” of bad omens for markets

A rash of odd investor behaviour across global markets may signal prices are topping out, according to the CEO of the world’s biggest distressed debt investor.

Market signals bode ill nowadays for investors looking to deploy cash into liquid markets, according to distressed debt investor Oaktree Capital Group

The powerful mix of portents is akin to a “witch's brew,” Oaktree's chief executive officer Jay Wintrob said on Monday.

Wintrob rattled off a list of market anomalies that he reckons signal we are in the end days of a bull market.

Among them is investors’ complacency towards geopolitical risk in Korea, there has been a notable lack of reaction across equity and credit markets to North Korea’s missile launches.

Argentina’s issue of $2.75 billion...

¬ Haymarket Media Limited. All rights reserved.

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