Swire's Turnbull flies to Allco Financial Group

Former Swire chairman to pilot Allco's regional drive.
Allco Finance Group, an Australian investment house, is hoping to bolster its Asia presence by bringing in Hong Kong veteran David Turnbull to run its regional operations. The former Swire executive takes on the role of chairman, Allco Group Asia, and will drive the business from the firm's recently established Hong Kong offices.

He joins Daivd Lowe, director, Allco Finance, who rejoined the firm in 2005 to coordinate its Greater China expansion plans. Turnbull will officially report for duty on March 20.

During his 30 years with Swire, Turnbull rose to the position of chairman, which also included the tandem roles of chairman of Cathay Pacific Airways, chairman of John Swire Sons and director of...

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