The unflappable Mr Brisby

SG''s global co-head of investment banking tells FinanceAsia that the French bank is not about to exit Asian equities.

Stephen Brisby was in Hong Kong just before Chinese New Year to restore morale among his battered Asian troops, after SG downsized its staff by 150 and closed three offices around the region. It slashed its equity research team by 60% and many wonder whether SG will exit the equities business just as Indosuez WI Carr did recently. Brisby, an urbane Englishman, is the global co-head of investment banking and formerly held the rank of vice-chairman at UBS. Best described as unflappable, in this interview he said this was not the first time he'd spoken to a journalist that wrote off SG's strategy. Here he explains exactly what his plans for Asia are...

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