Hutchison launches second tender for short bonds The company is offering to buy back another $1.5 billion of bonds; this time from two issues maturing in 2010 and 2011. May 18, 2009
ING's IGA unit advises second Vietnamese bank Bank for Investment and Development of Vietnam mandates Dutch advisory division. October 16, 2005
FSL makes second Asian hedge fund investment Asian arb fund Ludgate Hill receives $20 million from Fairfield Greenwich''s Asian JV. August 01, 2005
A-Reit brings second successful international securitization Singaporean Reit prices at tight differential to international comps. May 10, 2005
ING launches second series of Lion ELNs. Product will be based on the performance of basket of HK financial and property chips. April 20, 2005
Second time lucky for Chaoda China''s largest integrated fruit and vegetable producer completes a debut high yield bond. February 01, 2005
Second heavy hitting Korean M&A in as many days Why is Doosan Heavy prepared to pay so much for Daewoo Heavy? January 11, 2005
McCarthy bullish on second half debt issuance Bank of America''s President for Asia outlines why he remains optimistic despite rising interest rates. July 22, 2004
Second generation hedge fund launches in Singapore Creo Capital''s pan-Asian long/short fund will begin trading with $20 to $25 million. June 08, 2004
China's second tier banks need cultural shift A foreign strategic partner can be a good start to reforming a bank, but Mainland Bank need to provide the right information says ING executive. April 22, 2004